R&D reinvented webinar recording

Webinar recording: R&D reinvented – Unlocking the power of innovation in the tech sector

Since 1st April 2023, significant changes have shaken the landscape of R&D tax relief, specifically impacting businesses, especially those in the technology sector. These changes, introduce a whole new dimension to R&D claims, requiring businesses to submit substantial additional information.


During this 45-minute webinar, we delved into the following key points:


  • Unveiling the latest changes to R&D relief that will reshape the technology sector
  • Mastering the art of managing the new reporting requirements and their impact on your business
  • Discovering practical strategies and solutions to overcome the challenges brought by these changes


We understand the immense pressure these additional reporting requirements place on tech businesses, especially those relying on R&D to fuel growth and innovation during critical periods. Our team of experts have provided invaluable insights and guidance to help you stay ahead of the curve, ensuring your business maximises its potential in claiming R&D tax relief while mitigating the impact of further changes on your operations.


Watch the video below, to empower your business to conquer challenges and unlock new avenues of success.

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team of experts.


Kate Greenhough, Corporate Tax Director
Pieres Flowers, R&D Associate Director

What next?

If you are impacted by the changes talked about in our video, our R&D team would be delighted to talk to you, contact us here

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