Preparing accounts under FRS 102? Your step by step guide to be ready for these compulsory changes, starting 1 January 2026.

We invite you to join us and James Lole, Gravita’s Technical and Compliance Partner, and Paul Woosey, Gravita’s Audit Partner, at our webinar, Preparing accounts under FRS 102?, on Wednesday 5th March 2025.


Entities which prepare their financial statements under FRS 102 will see significant changes from 1 January 2026, and it is their responsibility to make sure they are fully compliant.


The upcoming changes to FRS 102 from January 2026 will change the way every business prepares its accounts under FRS 102.  Simply put, the aim of these changes, are to further align FRS 102 with IFRS and the biggest impact will be on revenue recognition and lease accounting.  Read more about the changes here. If you haven’t already started preparing for these upcoming changes, now is the time, and help is at hand with our webinar:


  1. Harmonisation of FRS 102 with IFRS: A quick background and where we are today
  2. Prepare, plan and execute: Our step by step guide to the changes coming to revenue recognition and lease accounting
  3. Additional training requirements, reallocation of team and resources required to fulfill these new obligations
  4. Threat to independence and ethical implications, particularly where the audit and accounts are prepared by one provider
  5. Banking covenants
  6. These changes will have tax implications – what we know so far
  7. Next steps


This session, which will cover the above and more, will be run on Zoom from 9am to 10amRegistration is required by using the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about how to join the webinar.


Why Gravita?


We have many clients who already have to comply with audit requirements under IFRS – which means we know what is required and the changes you can prepare for now. For those with January year ends, this is really only around the corner.

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