Gravita’s work with Computer Aid International
For over 15 years, Gravita has donated all our no longer used IT equipment to Computer Aid International.
Donated computers, tablets and mobile telephones are all data-wiped and professionally refurbished for reuse in projects in the UK and overseas to help bridge the digital divide. Over two thirds of IT equipment donated by Gravita has been sent to the charity’s partner organisation, Malawi University of Science and Technology.
The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) was established with the aim of promoting the development, adaptation, transfer and application of science, technology and innovation for macro- and micro-economic development of Malawi. Its vision is “a world-class centre of science and technology education, research and entrepreneurship” which is being realised through the provision of a conducive environment for quality education, training, research, and entrepreneurship, and outreach activities.
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic the charity has helped many UK organisations to access technology so they can continue their work or has passed the devices on to those who are isolated or need access to services and education. This could be a young refugee who is feeling cut off from their usual support, a schoolchild who needs a device to access their online education or a vulnerable adult living alone. To read more about how Computer Aid is helping the pandemic, click here.
Computer Aid have provided the following comment, “We’re so grateful for the donations of equipment from Gravita. Businesses who are socially minded like Gravita can make a huge impact in bridging the digital divide by using socially responsible services such as our IT Disposal. Our hope is that more businesses will follow suit and make community-minded choices in their business services.”
To find out more about the charity and to learn how you can help please click here. The charity are currently running a campaign for individuals to donate equipment which you can find out about here.