Implementing your salary sacrifice via your payroll

Written by Payroll Manager, Rebecca Aimey Introduction In today’s competitive job market, employees are increasingly seeking (and often expect) benefits packages to be paid alongside their salary. Employers, on the other hand, are of course keen to retain and attract talent whilst also maximising tax efficiencies where possible. The salary sacrifice options are an effective […]
Is it time to embrace AI to transform your business?

Written by Tech Partner, Ben Chernoff Is it time to embrace AI to transform your business? It’s clear AI is not going away. And while there’s a lot of fear about what AI could do in the wrong hands, it also brings a lot of opportunity for good. It has the potential to drive economic […]
Payrolling of benefits – Feeling the pain of collating your P11D data?

Written by Payroll Manager, Rebecca Aimey Employers who would like to formally payroll benefits for the first time, must register with HMRC. Some seven years ago, HMRC introduced the ability for employers to payroll certain benefits that are classed as a benefit in kind. This has enabled a change in the way employees are taxed […]
Increases in Interest Rates for estates paying IHT by Instalment

Written by Tax Partner, Michaela Lamb HMRC allow estates with an IHT liability in relation to certain assets to pay the liability over a period of 10 years. These are paid annually in equal instalments, which attract interest. This can be a useful option for families who do not wish to part with those assets, […]